A free Highly Availabile Database
Sep 10
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With the release of RavenDb4 and in combination with their Community License and Ubuntu Server Edition it is now possible to deploy a highly available database setup that is free of software licensing costs (server hosting costs obviously still apply)
To demonstrate a possible setup clone my vagrant-ravendb and execute
vagrant up
from the root folder. This will reproduce the network shown below: (as an aside, if you haven't already checked out vagrant i highly recommend doing so)
Once the VM's are running you will be able to connect to the RavenDb instances via the studio and perform the final setup of the cluster.
Vagrant is required to manage the Virtual Machines
Posted by: Wallace Turner
Last revised: 11 Sep, 2019 01:13 AM History
Last revised: 11 Sep, 2019 01:13 AM History
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