Using Resharper's structural search and replace to find usages.

Resharper structural search and replace Part I - Searching

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There isn't much documentation on Resharper's Structural Search and Replace

Consider the case where you want to find all the usages of the Text property on a Windows Form:


If you use Find Usages (Shift F12) you get all usages of any inheritor of System.Windows.Forms.Control which isn't what we want in this case.


Enter Resharpers 'Search with pattern' (Alt-R,F,R)


which returns the following usages only:


I can hear the guys up the back saying 'you can already do that with Resharper's Advanced Find Usages (Ctrl+Shift+Alt+F12) but this only works in this instance because Text is overridden by System.Windows.Form - for a property of Form that isn't overridden (eg form.Font) then the above method is very effective in finding specific usages.

Other applications

You are searching for places where an Address is added to a List<Address>

public class Address


static void SomeMethod()
    var strings = new List<string>();
    strings.Add("test2");//we dont want these usages.

    var addresses = new List<Address>();
    addresses.Add(new Address());//we want this usage only

Find Usages will return all usages of List<T>.Add (which likely is very high in a real application)

Search with pattern to the rescue again!


This returns only the one usage above instead of 4 usages using F12. note, Resharper is showing the < as < in the UI but everything still works.

Posted by: Wallace Turner
Last revised: 13 Apr, 2013 01:58 AM History
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